Will training cause me to become bulky like a guy, if I have PCOS


I know that in general women do not produce enough testosterone to get the bulky look men get when lifting weights.

However, since PCOS causes increased testosterone production in women, will this be different for me?


Editor's comments: The answer is no.

The only difference is that exercise is even MORE beneficial for most woman with PCOS than for other women. The reason is that many women with polycystic ovary syndrome have a condition called insulin resistance. Insulin resistance makes you fat and helps to increase testosterone levels.

With a good exercise program that you stick to, your body size should shrink, your testosterone levels could drop as a result of reduced insulin resistance, and your self-esteem will sky-rocket.

Exercise also helps you get rid of fat. Fat produces a bunch of hormones and signaling hormones that are unhealthy. So the less excess fat you have, the better.

Your weight loss may not be very significant, because muscle is much heavier than fat. However, fat takes up more space than muscle. So your body may end up taking up less space even if your weight has not gone down a lot.

A shrinking waist circumference is an excellent indicator of good progress with your exercise.

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your weight and exercise does matter

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