Other Women's Success with PCOS Inspired Me

by Kendra

My trouble started when I was 15 years old. I never had regular periods, and when they did come they would last from 2 weeks to 1 month, passing huge blood clots. When I finally got up the nerve to tell my mother, she got me to the doctor ASAP.

He told her that I was missing some hormones, he did not say which ones and he gave me some orange hormone pills to stop the bleeding. Well it sure did the job. I did not get another period until I was about 17 and it came in with a bang and lasted over 3 weeks.

When I finally got to the gyn, I don't think I have to even tell you what she put me on, that's right, the good old trusty birth control pills. That made it even worse. I was on and off the pill about 2 years.

When my really big trouble started, I was 20 yrs old when I was married. My period was due on my wedding day so my doctor told me to play around with my pills to avoid bleeding. Well I knew something was wrong the morning after because I woke up bleeding. To make a long story short I was diagnosed with PCOS a month later.

My husband and I started trying to get pregnant about 3 months later. After a year with no success, we went to an ob/gyn who told me I would probably never conceive on my own. And I was put on clomid, for about 6 months, got awful side effects that I could not endure. We then turned to a wonderful fertility specialist that we thought would have the answer. After a careful work up of my husband and I, she said that our only hope was IVF, due to the fact of my husband's low count and his sperm were surrounded by antibodies, and my severe PCOS, and my out of whack hormone levels.

My husband and I were devastated and shocked. Being that I was only 22 yrs old, I knew there was another way. Well after 3 1/2 years of countless negative pregnancy test and tears, I ran across this web site and started reading the very first story concerning acupuncture and the low GI diet. There was a spark of hope. I started the diet that very day, I even started my husband on natural supplements.

We found a well-qualified acupuncturist and I started treatments weekly. My husband's sperm count has gone from 20 million to 52 million, in 2 milliliters that is 12 million over average, the antibodies are still present but in only 1% (the doctors said that is was not a (problem), so he was put on this wonderful supplement called proxeed, to try and correct those issues. And I am glad to say I am on week 5 with my practitioner. I had my first painless 5-day cycle, since menses started 9 years ago. I am taking a high potency prenatal vitamin.

Along with a diet that consists of hormone free poultry, whole wheat, fish, organic fruits and veggies and no white stuff such as: sugar, white bread, potatoes, and no dairy.

I feel better that I have in years. God bless each and every one of you that has had success with PCOS. I am going through it now and it is not easy.

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I know how you feel :(
by: coty

I am 22 now, i was diagnosed with PCOS when i was 16. The doctor that diagnosed me with PCOS said that i would never have children. At that time i wasent too worried about it. I was so young. who would be? I am now married and me and my husband are trying to conceive, I find it to be very difficult. We have been trying for 3yrs with no luck. I was put on bc when i was first diagnosed, but within that year i took myself off of it. They helped to regulate me but, i was gaining so much weight, and i thought it was from the bc. Later did i find out that rapid weight gain is part of PCOS. N.E how i never went back to the doctor. For the past two months my left side has been killing me and i went online to see what the symptoms for an ovarian cyst where and i found that i have all the symptoms. So little to say i made an app. for this month. I am so tired of trying this and that. Its time for me to stop playing around with my problems and do something about them. u know?

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