TTC, Not complete success yet, but a start!

by Kari
(Asheboro, NC)

(Ed. summary: "2 weeks after I started the supplements and 1 week after I started walking I started my period!")

Hello all!

I am 23 and DH and I have been married 3 years and TTC for about 1 year. I was on the pill for 1.5 years before we decided to TTC and when I stopped the pill my periods were way out of whack. Having one every other month, and sometimes not having one for 3 months. (Got off the pill in July 06 - Had a period in July, October, December-with Prometrium, February, April, August-with Prometrium) Very sporadic.

My Doctor said I might have PCOS in September. She told me to try to lose some weight because even a 5 pound weight gain can make you skip periods.

I decided to try taking some herbal supplements also. We were going to try clomid if my natural approach did not work.

Well, I started walking on a treadmill every weeknight (anywhere from 1 - 3 miles) trying to eat healthier, and started taking prenatal vitamins every night along with fish body oil (free of mercury and lead) and Vitex. All GNC brands. Also, I bought some raspberry tea and drank that maybe every other day.

2 weeks after I started the supplements and 1 week after I started walking I started my period!

That means I ovulated, but we obviously didn't fertilize. I was not charting my basal body temperatures or anything to really let me know I was ovulating. I was just trying to get my period back.

So now, I am continuing my eating/exercise routine, charting my temps religiously, and keeping an eye on my CM. I want to catch my ovulation this time and BD BD BD!!

I don't know if it was the walking, or the vitamins or what exactly brought my period back. I really didn't stick to a strict diet and I didn't want to overwhelm myself with hours of intense exercise. I just tried to eat littler portions, and make sure I got on the treadmill for an hour every night and walked while I watched my fav tv show Scrubs. And took my vitamins, vitex, and raspberry tea. That's what worked for me.

I hope my story helps some of you. I know coming to this PCOS website and reading other women's stories helped motivate me. I will keep you all posted on what happens next. Hopefully I will ovulate, BD, and we get that much wanted BFP for Christmas!! Good Luck to you all!!

Kari, TTC in NC

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This is my story
by: Kari

I wrote this story 4 years ago. The natural approach didn't work for me. One round of clomid and I got pregnant with my son! He was bron 12/27/08! We decided to TCC #2 and need clomid again. My periods never got back on track. I got pregnant with my daughter after my 3rd round of clomid. After having my two babies, and nursing my second child for 10 months I did finally ovulate and have a cycle on my own. It's too early to tell if I am 'back on track'. I honestly don't think I would have my babies if I didn't try clomid. Good luck to all!

by: Auntie Reina

Kari, I pray that you all this works for you and Denny. I can't wait to be an auntie... I was told I could not have kids and look I have 2 running around... It will all work out and I am here for you no matter what you need. Good Luck. Love Ya Reina

Good Luck
by: Sharon

Hey Kari,
I wish you a lot of luck with this. I know you really want to have a baby. My sister had some trouble when they tried to have their first child, but now they have 2 beautiful girls. There are a lot of people who have some trouble but with the help of Dr.s, meds and most of all God we can get through anything.

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