Transition to PCOS Diet

by candice
(portland , or)

I've only started the diet 4 days and I'm not sure if I'm going through withdraws from sugar and carbs or what. I'm feeling slightly flush, and major headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and so forth. I plan to stick it out and drink lots of water. Luckily I have work off today, but I want to make sure this is normal. I'm not overweight, and I've been eating organic and natural for years. I've just now cut wheat and carbs for the first time. Can you tell me if this is normal?

Editor's comments:

It's impossible to know exactly what is causing your symptoms, although withdrawal from foods to which you are both addicted and allergic can cause some of the problems you describe.

You may also have a disordered appetite regulation system that will slowly correct itself.

It's also possible you are eating too much protein relative to other dietary components. Protein excess can cause some of the symptoms you describe.

I might suggest you ease into the diet more slowly. There is no need for you to feel unwell. It's a huge adjustment for your body to make. Give yourself time.

Please bear in mind that you are not eliminating carbohydrates from your PCOS diet. You are changing the TYPE of carbohydrate. Essentially, you are getting rid of refined carbohydrates and replacing them with UNrefined carbohydtrates.

For the time being, you may feel better if you continue to eat modest amounts of unrefined non-gluten, low-glycemic legumes or grains. You can also increase your intake of starchy vegetables for the time being. Eating some nuts or seeds may also be helpful.

Some people who make a transition to the PCOS diet find that they are consuming too much protein and not enough carbohydrate. For example, it's easy to eat more meat and not eat enough vegetables since you are no longer eating bread and other refined wheat products to fill yourself up.

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This diet seems really hard to follow
by: Wanttolose

Hi. I have PCOS and am like 50 lbs overweight and have tried many diets unsuccescfully. The real clincher came from being in an accident where I was immobile for close to a year and gained almost 30 lbs. Anyways, I want to try this diet but reading it made it seem impossible as it cuts out so many foods and I can't see how any one can stick to it long term. Grains are about 1/4 of what I eat, Dairy is about 1/4, Salad 1/4, and Poulty/ Meat 1/4. I am allergic to nuts and despise fish as well as many leafy veggies. Is there any hope to modify this and have it still work or will it only work with sticking exactly? Also, without nuts and dairy would I be getting enough protein from only chicken? I can't afford meat on a regular basis.

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